Cheap Travel Tips for Canadians

With March break right around the corner you might be looking to take a trip to “escape” (probably not the best choice of word considering the winter we’ve had here in Toronto) the winter blues. Before you go rushing out to your local travel agent (sorry, but they have the worst prices from my experience […]

Save Money Make Coffee At Home

One of my favourite things in the world is a really well made coffee, but lately I have been finding it harder and harder to come accross a shop that can make one that I really enjoy. I have scoured all accross the city trying to find the best coffee in Toronto, but it wasn’t […]

Stocking Your Liquor Cabinet for Under $200

It’s that time of year when the most entertaining is being done so if you plan on having any guests over during the holiday season you will want to make sure you have a stocked bar. If you have no idea about booze, below are some of my go-to choices when stocking my own personal […]

Online Shopping Guide For Canadians

When it comes to shopping online it seems most sites are targetted towards Americans, but there are many great places to go to shop online for Canadians if you know where to look. This article will show you the best sites to go to buy anything online for Canadians. From books to travel I will […]